Miralax Prep

  • 64 ounces of Gatorade any color except RED

  • 238 gram bottle of Miralax

  • Dulcolax tablets


  • On the day prior to the procedure all day long drink clear liquids only

  • Starting in the afternoon take 2 Dulcolax tablets and drink one 8 ounce glass of the mixed MiraLAX and Gatorade every 15 minutes until its gone. This will be approximately 8 glasses. Drink each glass fairly quickly. You must drink all of the solution.

  • Continue consuming large amounts of clear liquids until 4 hours before your arrival to the hospital.

Magnesium Citrate Prep

  • Purchase 2 bottles of citrate of magnesium and 1 box of Dulcolax tablets

  • On the day before the procedure all day long drink clear liquids only

  • Starting at 6 PM on the night prior to the procedure take 2 Dulcolax tablets and drink the entire bottle of magnesium citrate

  • At 11 PM drink the second bottle of magnesium citrate

  • Throughout the entire evening drink plenty of clear liquids

  • Continue to drink clear liquids up until 3 hours before presenting to the procedure

SUPREP Instructions

  • On the day prior to the procedure trying clear liquids all day

  • At 9 PM for one of the 6 ounce bottles a Suprep into container provided and had Coldwater to the black line

  • Drink all the Suprep solution and then drink 32 ounces of clear liquids preferably water over the next 2 hours.  If there is an issue with the taste try drinking with a straw

  • Continue clear liquids and then at 3 AM take the second course of the Suprep as directed above

  • There may be nausea and possibly vomiting which is not unexpected continue to hydrate with clear liquids until 3 hours before your arrival time